Scripture Reading - Exodus 23:25

And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. KJV

This verse taken from the Old Testament states that it was their (the children of Israel’s) responsibility to serve the Lord God and then He would cleanse (sanctify, bless) whatever they ate or drank. Also the Lord God promised to take sickness away from the midst of them. This meant that as long as the children of Israel practiced (kept, obeyed) the commandments of God in the Old Testament they could enjoy clean food and drink for strength in their physical body. They could also expect all sickness to be “removed” from their body when they kept the Covenant of God. This promise of cleansing and healing was conditional based upon their actions (works) in regard to God’s Commandments. However, in the New Testament the things of the Lord operate differently. First, we are commanded to love God and one another to fulfill the Law of Christ. Secondly, we don’t need to perform good works to receive healing because Jesus Christ has already taken sickness and disease away from the midst of us. As Christians we are encouraged to use our faith to receive the fullness of God’s blessings as a demonstration of our love and admiration for God. We simply believe we were healed when Jesus took stripes upon His body back at Calvary. Therefore, the only work we practice today is the work of faith to believe we received our healing the moment Jesus took our sicknesses and diseases upon Himself. Since Jesus body is now our cleansed spiritual food we can eat of God’s Word all day long to enjoy the fullness of information directly from God. His precious Blood is our current drink to remind us that we are cleansed from all sin and condemnation. So when you have a thought that you are not completely clean in God’s sight know that the Blood of Jesus has cleansed you thoroughly. You can not be any cleaner in God’s sight then you are in Christ Jesus. This also means if you feel sickness in your physical body remember that it was “removed” by the stripes of Jesus Christ. Use your confession of faith to thank God that Jesus has taken sickness and disease away from the midst of you on His Cross. So keep (permanently receive) God’s healing and health for yourself and your whole household. Anyone in the midst of your family (household) can partake of God’s Grace through faith if they choose to believe in the Name of Jesus. Have no tolerance for any sickness or disease in your midst by decreeing it “removed” in the Name of Jesus. Amen!.